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  • Writer's pictureRabby

Happy Days

So I’m turning 24 tomorrow!!!

💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽doing the happy dance💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

God has been so faithful, it is overwhelming! Later in life, I will share a detailed life testimony (probably in a book 🤔).

In the meantime, I will share how God proved himself strong in my life this past year.

Very early in the year, I had a dream that scared me – I saw myself lagging behind on a journey. What made it even scarier was that as per my expectations, I was lagging behind in real life!

Here’s insider information: unfortunately, I let worry get the better side of me (or rather, I used to)– and it is frustrating when I don’t get the things I want when I want them. But thank God that our flaws are the case studies He uses to teach us.

I started my 23rd year with a pile of insecurities and self-hate. Only about three people knew – I hated how I looked and beat myself down with my words all the time. I could have easily fallen into depression without knowing it – but God came through! Those three must have been praying for me! Amidst my self esteem issues, I discovered a different aspect of God’s love for me and that is what changed my mindset about myself. It was a whirlwind of a year – but I lived for all of it!

This past year, I learnt how to love Jesus. I learnt to resolve within myself to not be influenced and pressured by the relationships He has with others and be intentional about mine. Throughout the year, when I was crying and upset about (seemingly) missing my seasons, plans not pulling through, and not hearing answers to my prayers, I learnt to love Jesus and enjoy him in every moment of it.


I’m not the most patient person; but I can say to the glory of God that I have improved a whole lot. I have grown out of certain ‘needs’ and have been humbled to a point of brokenness, seeing my very imperfect character in the pages of truth and in the mirror of conviction. There were moments this past year that I wished I could re-live parts of my life just so that I could make better judgments and just treat others better! Then there were moments in the past year when I was grateful for my past folly because I realised – had I not made some foolish choices earlier in life, I would not be able to perceive the value and honour of being able to worship God.

By the time 2017 was ready to end, I was overflowing with gratitude on every side because in spite of the plans I had for myself, God’s plans were much greater. I am still tempted to lament over how far ‘behind’ I am from where I thought I would be – instead, I am focused on being grateful for where I am, as opposed to where (without grace) I would have been.

This year!!! Year of the 24!!!

This is the year of God’s favour for me and I am excited. I am so expectant of the joyous things ahead – of the happy days that are here – the glorious days that are here… I am excited that 24 is here!!!

If it hadn’t been the Lord on my side, where would I be?

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