Bitter Honey is a Ghana-based series, centered around the Quartey family. Kojo Quartey; a taxi driver, his wife Aba; who runs a bank’s canteen, and their three children; Kuku, Abena and Maama live through a series of fortunate and unfortunate events. The Bitter Honey series tells the story of different bittersweet experiences that build their characters and teach them life lessons. Enjoy.
When Kojo got home, there had been an accident outside his house.
The accident had actually been on the road in front of the car park, but that had been his home for a while.
He found something to keep him busy until his wife was done selling kooko.
He had decided to ask her for help. He hated his life. He had decided he needed her to help him get cleaned. She had always been the smarter one. She had always been the fire in the team. She had always been the positive minded person. She would definitely help him.
Kojo started in the direction of the kooko stand. He stopped when he spotted a familiar face. He couldn’t remember where exactly he had seen that man, but the man was talking to his wife.
Whatever they were talking about, wasn’t kooko; Aba’s face beamed with too much excitement for them to have been talking about just kooko.
The man handed her a note or a card; Kojo couldn’t tell which, standing so far from them.
~ ~ ~ ~
“He offered you a job?” Kojo looked shocked, Aba nodded
“Why?” Kojo asked,
“God is answering our prayers, Kojo,”
“He’s offering you a job at the bank. What do you know about banking?” Kojo sounded skeptical.
“He wants me to manage the bank’s canteen.”
Kojo stared at her blankly; she went on, “so I’ll be in charge of the menu, recipes, day-to-day activities… I think it is a very good offer and I’m going to take it,”
Kojo repeated her affirmation. “Don’t we have to decide as husband and wife?”
Aba was genuinely shocked, “what have we ever done as husband and wife?”
Kojo didn’t answer, she went on, “Your drinking hobby wasn’t a decision we made as husband and wife, but it is what defines our lives,”
Kojo was about to say something, but Aba went on, “we need this job. You know that even more than I do. Maybe, after you find your feet, I wouldn’t need to be working there,”
He sighed, “I have decided to pick myself up and get my act together. I will try my best to make life better for you and our children,”
She couldn’t sense his determination, but she said, “And I will support you all the way. And this job will be good for us,”
***To be continued***